[Github.io] Github Pages Posting
1. What is Markdown?
- Markup Language for converting text to HTML
- Easy to read and write
- Easy for computer to interpret
2. Adding new posts on Github Pages
Create a new file in Your-Repository/_posts directory
- Name the .md file as YYYY-MM-DD-NAME-OF-POST
Add YAML frontmatter at the top of the file
- Front-matter Link: https://jekyllrb.com/docs/front-matter/
Add the contents below the front-matter
- Links for Markdown Syntax:
ex) Current post's frontmatter
title: "[Github.io] Github Pages Posting"
excerpt: "Adding a new post to Github Pages using Markdown"
- Github.io
- [Github.io, Markdown]
toc: true
date: 2021-01-12
last_modified_at: 2021-01-14